Every once in a while I like to make treat bags for the buns. Considering the number of buns that live with me, it can be quite a production. So I create an assembly line, and have at it.
I start off by assembling all the materials. This time I'm using dried cranberries, Nutriberries (yes, ok, I know they're parrot treats, but the buns love them once in a while), timothy hay, and little candy-shaped mineral treats. They all go together in a simple paper bag, which is tied up with twine.
My ingredients
I open all the bags, and put a few dried cranberries into them, followed by a couple of Nutriberries. Then I fill the bags about halfway with the timothy hay, scrunch the bags closed, then tie with twine. I finish off by stringing a mineral chew onto the twine and tying a bow.
Lots of bags, filled!
You can use whatever treats you want. I've used different dried fruits. My buns like papaya, mango, dried apples, dried cherries, pineapple, and banana chips. I've also used treats other than mineral chews. You can find all kinds of things either online or in pet supply shops. I like to use things that you ordinarily put on treat hangers, because they have holes pre-drilled into them. This makes it easy to tie onto the bag. In place of regular hay, you can get hay that has all kinds of special stuff in it, like marigold flowers, mint or dried carrots.
Tied with the mineral chews; cute for the bunz! |
Annie inspects her treat bag |
Peter is trying to figure it all out. He's a new guy. |
Bob and Zoe know what to do |
Seventeen bags for my happy bunniez |
It wasn't a very good week. I lost one of my buns over the weekend. It looked like she had a stroke. She was one of the girls that was born in my bed while I was at work six years ago. This was before I could find a vet who would spay or neuter rabbits. One of my boys escaped and managed to open the girls' cage. I had to take her to the vet on Monday for cremation. I'll keep her ashes with the rest of my lost friends. While I was there, I stopped at the shelter, and adopted their last bunny. I had adopted one on Friday, and they'd been trying to get me to take this one home, but I didn't have the room then. My shelter, thankfully, doesn't take in many bunnies. The companions of the one that died are now refusing to sleep in the condo in which she died, and have opted for a smaller one. I'm trying to convince them to go into the larger one, because they're stacking themselves in the small condo. I'm sure they'll figure it out. I'm hoping the treat bags will make them happy. From the sounds emanating from my bedroom, it seems to have worked.